Advanced Acoustics History


Advanced Acoustics History

Advanced Acoustics History

AAS History

NASC Advanced Acoustics personnel have been involved with the development of every sonobuoy in the U.S. Fleet for over 50 years. We have more than 700 man years of Air ASW sensor experience on staff providing next generation sensors, processors, and systems for all ASW platforms. The Advanced Acoustics sector continues to analyze, develop, and test passive and active acoustic technologies, magnetic non-acoustic detection techniques, air deployment mechanisms, and communication relay systems.

NASC conducts advanced research in critical technologies and provides an unmatched depth of experience in all aspects of ASW system development. This includes the areas of acoustic performance modeling, transducer calibration, hydromechanical design, and RF electronics and signal processing. Our scientists have literally written the book on Airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare – “The Ears of Air ASW – A History of U.S. Navy Sonobuoys” by Roger A. Holler, Dr. Arthur W. Horbach and Dr. James F. McEachern. This comprehensive book documents the historical development of air-deployed underwater listening equipment for the Navy, and provides an in-depth look at the motivation, research, and engineering required to bring these vital ASW systems from concept to deployment. It is a valuable reference for those desiring a working knowledge of the full spectrum of U.S. Navy sonobuoys from World War II until the present day.

NASC Advanced Acoustics personnel have been involved with the development of every sonobuoy in the U.S. Fleet for over 50 years. We have more than 700 man years of Air ASW sensor experience on staff providing next generation sensors, processors, and systems for all ASW platforms. The Advanced Acoustics sector continues to analyze, develop, and test passive and active acoustic technologies, magnetic non-acoustic detection techniques, air deployment mechanisms, and communication relay systems.

NASC conducts advanced research in critical technologies and provides an unmatched depth of experience in all aspects of ASW system development. This includes the areas of acoustic performance modeling, transducer calibration, hydromechanical design, and RF electronics and signal processing. Our scientists have literally written the book on Airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare – “The Ears of Air ASW – A History of U.S. Navy Sonobuoys” by Roger A. Holler, Dr. Arthur W. Horbach and Dr. James F. McEachern. This comprehensive book documents the historical development of air-deployed underwater listening equipment for the Navy, and provides an in-depth look at the motivation, research, and engineering required to bring these vital ASW systems from concept to deployment. It is a valuable reference for those desiring a working knowledge of the full spectrum of U.S. Navy sonobuoys from World War II until the present day.