Press Release: NASC TigerShark-XP™ Featured in NASA Documentary Video


NASC Press Releases

NASC Press Releases

NASC TigerShark-XP™ Featured in NASA Documentary Video

Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation engineers and flight crew were recently featured in NASA’s “Making Skies Safe for Unmanned Aircraft”. This video provides a look into how NASA and its industry partners are moving unmanned aircraft closer to operating in the national airspace and debuted in honor of International Drone Day (May 2). NASC employees and the NASC Group 3 TigerShark-XP™ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle were shown performing flight maneuvers and procedures. NASA highlighted the work that NASC Unmanned Systems Flight Team performed for the project and included exclusive ground and inflight video of TigerShark-XP as well as an interview with Bryan Hazlett, Vice President of the NASC Unmanned Aircraft Systems Sector.

Making Skies Safe for Unmanned Aircraft: Website:
NASA Armstrong webpage:

The technology and procedures developed during a nearly decade-long program have been assisting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop the rules for certification of unmanned aircraft to safely coexist with other air traffic. The goal is to enable new commercial and public service opportunities, such as real-time surveillance of fires, infrastructure inspections for pipelines, and medical transportation in the future.

NASA began its Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project in 2011. Work since then has included multiple simulation efforts and six specific flight test series that focused on validating these simulations and supporting the development of minimum operational performance standards (MOPS) for Detect and Avoid (DAA) systems.

Since 1977, NASC has provided innovative solutions to the Department of Defense, federal research institutions, and commercial industry in their quest for technologically advanced solutions to global challenges. Our specialized products, support, and services are currently being used in multiple operational environments around the world. NASC areas of expertise include Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Manufacturing and Flight Services, UAS Ground Control Systems, Advanced Maritime Patrol ASW Training, Advanced Acoustics, and Sensor Development, Persistent Surveillance Systems, Combat Systems Joint Fires Training and Doctrine, and Information Technology.

Teresa Whiting
NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center

Last Updated: May 8, 2020
Editor: Monroe Conner

Tags: Aeronautics, Armstrong Flight Research Center